Thursday, September 07, 2006

The module formerly known as Gaming Culture 2

thought of the day:Game Design 2 (NM4209) - aka the module formerly known as Gaming Culture 2

Welcome to another entry in the blog of your friendly neighbourhood gamer. today we touch on... NM4209 - Game Design 2 (or more affectionately known to me as 'the module formerly known as Gaming Culture 2). it's been interesting these few weeks to say the least. considering how the module is now 100% CA (meaning we have NO EXAM!!!! bwahahahaha)... BUT, that also means we have to come out with a fully-developed game at the end of the semester (using the program known as GameMaker).

the friendly neighbourhood gamer has taken a crack at GameMaker, and come up with a very rough game of his own. its not fantastic, but at least touches on the basics of how the program works - its something like BreakOut.

so... ideas for the project revolve around Cowboys X (say it really quickly over and over....hahahahahaha). its a bit like a top-down version of Metal Slug-meets-Lemmings-meets-Sims. that's taking into account the 3 major aspects:

1. you go around killing people
2. there's no direct control over the character (which we shall refer to as Cowboy X)
3. you influence his survival is indirectly via strategically placing power-ups etc in his path as he goes on his rampage.

a few things to think about (which are nothing more than aesthetic elements till the final game is out):

1. 'customised' or varied character traits (ala RPG character creation).... which would mean you could have a super-conservative or even a super-reckless Cowboy X.
2. a level structure resembling 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1,2.2, 2.3 etc, with each sub-stage having a different objective.
3. variation of level objectives - play to time, play to kills etc

let's see how Cowboy's X (say it fast over and over... hahahaha) turns out at the end of the sem. should be quite a game.

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