Monday, January 01, 2007


i don't really post here much anymore (not since i ended NM3216), but as i've always said "There's some things you can never really run away from."

so anyway... had dinner with mum's side of the extended family, on the table with all the cousins who have a minimum age of 18 (going on 19). Funny how at one point the conversation swung in the direction of DOTA and WOW (like i said... there's just some things you can't run away from).

I found it funny how this particular cousin of mine has now become somewhat of a DOTA fanatic (when about this time last year i recall him saying he could never understand why all his friends were persistently playing that game).

Well one year on, and things certainly have changed haven't they? on an even more interesting note, there seems to be a little inter-family DOTA competition going on (where Dota-playing siblings team up against their similarly teamed-up cousins), and where they seem to be playing for bragging rights (like my cousin said, "We have t PWN them so that at the next family gathering we can rub it in their faces!").

The other topic of interest was WOW (World of Warcraft) - mainly because i brought up the recent Season 10 episode of South Park called "Make Love, not Warcraft". Its interesting to see how immersive the game is, and how people are aware the level of immersion can reach. My cousin said that when the original WOW came out, he "lost all his friends" except when it was tuesday night (only because the server is down for maintenence). Now that most of them hit level 60 or so, he's got his friends back (or at least till the expansion comes out some time this year). The most interesting bit of all i thought, was when he said that "there's no way he's going to start on WOW, because i know once i start i won't stop." Such is the level of immersion (the guys at Blizzard Entertainment are geniuses i tell you).

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